
I left Dazhai, pouring in the rain and took the first shuttle bus to Guilin.

The road was very narrow, making it somewhat nerve wracking whenever we came across another bus.

At Guilin, it was a short 3km walk to the hotel.

Guilin was overflowing with motorcyclists, who just barely held back from running over people.

At the hotel, I relaxed a bit while doing laundry, desperate to get rid of the sweat.

Today was a rainy day but I still headed off for a quick wall around.

Sun and moon pagoda:

Elephant’s hill:

This is the view from its backside but it’s meant to look like an elephant drinking water.

A restaurant for Sponge Bob fans:

I ate lunch/dinner in a self service restaurant:

(Not sure what it is, the drink was weird but the beans were good)

I then bought some kind of dessert from sweetness cheese. It’s essentially brioche with a sweet butter layer on top. I took shelter from the rain in McDonald’s to eat it:

(Heart attack inducing food)

Robots are also taking over the role of elderly ladies:

The city lights up at night, making it much easier to tell which is the moon and which is the sun pagoda.

The main goal for today was to do souvenir shopping so I passed by the Guilin night market.

Unfortunately I didn’t find anything particularly interesting there. There are a lot of shop stands selling durian.

At 8.30pm, I made my way to the Lijiang waterfall hotel, which showcases an artificial waterfall:

Love from Guangxi 💚

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